Get to Know
Our Staff

Rev. Amy Simes
Amy grew up in Garner, N.C., and attended First Presbyterian Church. She became a member of West Raleigh Presbyterian Church while attending NC State University. In her first career, she was an engineer, administering water and sewer funding for the state environmental agency. She graduated in 2022 from Union Presbyterian Seminary in Charlotte and has been providing pulpit supply throughout New Hope Presbytery. She was ordained on Aug. 18, 2024. She and her husband, Chris, have two adult sons, one daughter-in-law and one "granddog."

Kayla Pierce
Director of Music
Kayla has been serving in Trinity’s music program for as long as she can remember. She started in the children’s choir, performing Christmas, Mother's Day, and summer musicals. She later joined the adult choir and handbells when she was in middle school, cultivating her musical talents under the direction of Nancy Elder. She has received her Bachelors Degree in Music Performance under the guidance of Dr. Jennifer Hough and became Interim Music Director for Trinity in July 2021. She is blessed to lead the church that has raised her and to continue her musical passions.

Frank Breazeale
Trinity is very fortunate to have Frank Breazeale as our organist. Frank brings a passion for music, a giftedness in a variety of styles, and a wealth of experience to Trinity's worship services and fellowship gatherings.

Virginia Raby
Office Manager
Virginia enjoys using a variety of skills at Trinity. She began at the church in the summer of 2013 while working at Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church, with the goal of helping Trinity short-term as they looked to hire. In a plot twist, she's still here! Virginia notes, "There's a good bit of joy to be found working in a small church, especially supporting and partnering with members and staff to help bring their goals to fruition." In her spare time, Virginia loves to walk, visit gardens, travel with her husband, Andy, and avidly cheer on the Tar Heels.

John Montague
Business Administrator
John began working at Trinity in 2014 as part-time accountant. After 15 years of public accounting experience and seven years of working in private industry, John became Business Administrator at Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church in 2006. He brings those years of experience to work with the team at Trinity, especially assisting Virginia Raby, the Office Manager. "I love working with the Stewardship Team. They bring so much expertise and passion to each meeting. I've known Virginia for 17 years and have always enjoyed working with her and valued her insight." John is a member at Tabernacle Baptist Church and has always found it fulfilling to serve God in the life of several churches.