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Welcome to
Trinity Presbyterian Church

Seek God, Grow in Christ, Serve Each Other, Serve the World

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Looking for a 
church home?

Trinity is open-hearted and open-minded. In this busy world, faith offers peace, an opportunity for helping others, and new opportunities to learn how God works in our lives. So whether it's your first step in faith, or you've believed for years, we invite you to walk with us. Sunday worship service is at 11 a.m.


We welcome you!

Trinity invites you to worship in-person or online, via Facebook livestream. We offer faith education programs for children, youth, and adults. Fellowship is important, too! Friendships are nurtured in Presbyterian Kids, Children's Choir, Youth Group, and our active Seniors' Group.

Trinity Food Pantry

Location: Kitchen adjacent to the sanctuary

Hours: Mondays from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. or by appointment. To make an appointment, call the church at 919-872-1142.


No referral required. Users may pick up one bag of non-perishable food per week; the bag can be left outside for pick-up after hours.

If you need more info or would like to donate, please watch for updates about needed items in the church newsletter or email

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